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Experiential Photography

Experiential Photographer

While I was working at Virgin Hyperloop One I had an opportunity to creatively explore one of the most complex transportation design in history. 


However, I was looking for an opportunity to chase my own creativity and see what direction my own creative experiences would take me.  


I went down a road of using my photography.  


I found a fascination in not just shooting portraits but in inquisitively looking at the experience itself. What I found was an opportunity for creative expression and emotional healing. 


I began to treat my photography as an opportunity to show others in a vantage-point point that they might not have seen before. Make a feeling of self admiration tangible through a photograph.


By staying in-tune to the experience of the session I ended up creating a unique style of photography that allows for playful collaboration with the subject or others participating in the shoot to create an image the appears to freeze time and make a duration in time expand and contract. 


I've written a number of my creative photographic discoveries here.

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